Church 101

Practical videos, articles, help guides and on-going series for everyday ministry.
7 topics
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Church & Technology
Articles and videos detailing how to build and create various digital and media tools specifically designed for church use.
Dear Mike,
Mike gives helpful and practical answers to common questions sent to him by viewers. These videos are short, less formal and more hands-on than our in-class material.
Greeting Ministry Training
A two-part training session on the role of greeters in your congregation. These videos will equip your members to minister in this role successfully and thoughtfully.
How to Use
These guides will give you a basic understanding of the different equipment you can use to successfully present BibleTalk video lessons. We will also cover some tips and tricks to utilize our website, apps and channels better.
Preacher Training
Practical guides filled with effective tips and strategies to enhance your teaching and create a positive impact on your students.
Teacher Training for Women
In this topic, Mike provides specialized teacher training for women, enhancing their public speaking, lesson preparation, and leadership skills, enabling them to excel when teaching other women.
Teaching Adults
Teaching children and teaching adults are not the same. Teaching adults is an art and science all to itself. We know intuitively and through personal experiences that we learn differently now than when we were children, or even young college students. It is critical that we provide the best possible learning experience for our students. This is vital in normal adult learning environments but even more so in our efforts to teach God’s word. In this section we will look at some basic characteristics of adult learners and how to facilitate an environment that helps adults become motivated to learn.