Video Blog
By: Mike Mazzalongo Posted: March, 2012
This series presents a collection of short and engaging lessons that not only provide insights into these subjects through the lens of the Christian perspective. Whether you're looking to deepen your understanding or simply curious about how faith intersects with various aspects of life, these lessons offer an enlightening journey that's both thought-provoking and enjoyable.

Carrying the Cross of Jesus Christ
The Cross has always been a powerful reminder of the suffering of Jesus Christ. It has also been a reference point for things Christians must suffer to serve the Lord. In this lesson we will look at how 'Carrying the Cross' demonstrates the way we respond to hardships and suffering.

Parable of the Cork
Don't let the weight of sin keep you from coming back to Christ

4 Rules for a Happy Life
The most sincere thing we can desire for somebody else is their happiness. It's usually the thing parents want the most for their children. They want their children to be happy. In this entry we'll look at the 4 rules for a happy life.

Jesus our Everyday Savior
Often, we've known God as the object of our prayers and praise, but do we truly see Him as our Savior in moments of need?

From Zero to Faith
How does one go from having no faith to having complete faith? OK I have faith, now what? These are the questions we discuss in this video blog.

A Time for Everything
In this lesson we talk about Ecclesiastes 3:1 where Solomon describes there is a time for everything. When we realize there is a time for everything it will add so much to our lives.

Recipe for a Successful Family
The first of a 3 part series examining the qualities that promote harmony, joy, and intimacy in family settings.

Recipe for a Successful Career
Part 2 of a 3 part series looking at the ingredients for success in the family as well as the pursuit of satisfying and rewarding careers.

Recipe for a Successful Spiritual Life
Part 3 of a series looking at family, career and the way to experience a true spiritual regeneration in this life and an eternal existence in the next.

Big Lessons from Small Things
The seemingly unimportant details contained in the Bible often contain important lessons if we look closely enough.
What to do While you Wait For Jesus
Regardless of what one believes concerning the return of Christ, there are things that every Christian needs to do before the second coming.
Penguin Love
The amazing ability of some creatures to know the true voice of their mates is compared to a disciple's devotion to Christ and His word.
Angry Words
There's a lot of misunderstanding about how a Christian should deal with anger issues. In this blog we look at how Christians can deal with anger issues.
Dental Theology
Which would you choose: Loss of body function or loss of mind function?
The Christmas Shooter
Last minute Christmas sales and talk of the "fiscal cliff" were brutally replaced by headlines reporting that twenty children and six adults were murdered in a Connecticut elementary school last week.
Is Baptism Really Necessary?
It seems that sooner or later every idea in the Bible is challenged in one way or another. In this video blog we'll answer those who challenge the following type of questions: "Is it necessary to be baptized in order to be saved?" or "Is baptism really necessary for me to be a Christian?"
You know you're a senior when the kid at the box office doesn't want to see proof of age when you ask for the senior discount at the movies. This scene along with the other signs of age have gotten me thinking about the future and what I want and don't want as I go from being a senior to just being old.
God Given Rights
The recent trend in education and politics to remove any mention of God or the Bible is really a subtle attack on individual rights and freedoms.
Senior Moments
Senior "moments" usually refer to bouts of forgetfulness that seem to overtake all of us as we grow older. However, these moments can also refer to insights and lessons that come if you have been around for a while.
You Can't Clone a Soul
Let's get it straight. The road to immortality does not run through the uncertain terrain of cloning.
The Gift That Got Them There
In several weeks, we'll be celebrating the graduation of our high school and college seniors.
Things my Mother Taught me
The Bible teaches us to honor our fathers and mothers. One way to do this is to live in such a way that they receive honor from what we say and do. I'd like to honor my own mother, Jane Rose Mazzalongo, by sharing three important lessons she has taught me.
While the World Perishes
I was going through my pictures from the trip to Israel. Sorting, identifying – you know, the type of thing necessary to keep the memory of that wonderful experience alive. During this time it dawned on me that despite my efforts of the day and week, people were still dying without Christ.
What Are They Learning?
"Bad company corrupts good morals" (1 Cor. 15:33), has always been the parent's most reliable come back to their children's lack of judgment in choosing friends. It's Biblical, easy to remember, and so to the point.
The Voice of Faith
Critics often refer to the maturing of authors as the process of "finding one's voice." For example, writers who hit upon a message or theme in their books that make an impact on their readers are said to have found their "true voice."
Things That Change
She's lived in the same house for over forty years. I suppose that's why it is so difficult for my wife to lose her mother to illness and advanced age. The picture of her parents in that big old house with the comfortable chairs on the wide porch has remained constant for over four decades.
There is No Place Like Home
As a preacher, I've long ago discovered that home is where you're preaching at the moment. My wife and I often talk about the disconnect we feel because of a ministry that leads us to move an average of every seven years or so.
It's Still Called Stealing
The recent arrest of Kim Dotcom, CEO of the website Megaupload, for copyright crimes reminds us that stealing is still stealing...
The Blessing
One of the treasured memories of growing up in a French family in Quebec was the New Year's Day "blessing
The Good Life
In I Chronicles 29:28, the writer summarizes David's life at his passing by enumerating three blessings any one of us today can relate to:
7 Things That Don't Matter
It doesn't matter what the world thinks of me...so long as Christ thinks of me.
Does God Care About the Super Bowl?
Quarterback Tim Tebow's public display of faith has ignited a debate over the role that religion plays in sports. Does God care about who wins or loses? Can prayer alter the results of a sporting event? Will the most spiritually minded team win Super Bowl XLVI?
Sitting on the Puck
I hated the Toronto Maple Leafs. Back in the fifties and sixties they were the arch rivals of the Montreal Canadiens when hockey in Canada only had six teams.
3 Choices Christians Need To Make
Peace or conflict? Being a Christian will always bring the disciple into conflict with one's surroundings. Christianity goes against the grain of this world - its ideas, actions, desires.
Revival At The Flying J
She won us over in a minute. We staggered into the truck stop after an 800 mile drive. We were hungry, tired, and in no mood for polite talk. Our waitress had her own problems, having to cover two separate seating sections since she was obviously the only server on the floor. This did not defeat her good humor and attentiveness however.
The Advantage of Adult Conversion
As a Christian parent, my prayer has always been that my children come to Christ as soon as possible. This they have all done and I am thankful, but as I review my own journey of faith, I recognize that there are certain advantages for those (such as myself) who were converted as adults:
What Would You Do Differently?
Watching people die is always a growth experience. I don't say this lightly because the trauma for family and friends is real and painful. But if you're in the medical profession or serve as a hospice worker or minister, the constant passing of people from this life to the next occurs repeatedly in your everyday work and serves more to teach than frighten or depress.
Born Again Virgins
Recently I heard a report on the radio about a movement where people were once again choosing to remain celibate before marriage. A spokesperson for this group explained that reclaiming one's sexuality in this way was an effort to produce sexual rebirth and renewal.
Tongue Trouble
Ever notice the amount of trouble your tongue gets you into? I think this type of weakness was on Jesus' mind when He chose Peter to become an apostle. A classic story that typified the problem occurs in Matthew 26:35 where Peter blurts out that no matter what, he will never deny or abandon Jesus.
Common vs. Holy
Ezekiel outlines the duties of the newly appointed priests and he says that one of their tasks was to teach the people the difference between what is holy and what is common; what is clean and unclean.
Pump It Up
I suppose one sign that I'm truly over the hill is that I can no longer stand loud, aggressive music. I never thought that I'd be the one to yell, "Turn it down!"
Remember Your Enemies
As Memorial Day approaches, the nation honors those in the military past and present who have served and died to protect this nation.
Satan Unmasked
I want to share with you the first thoughts I had after seeing the 9/11 tragedy in real time on television on that terrible day. Each anniversary of that event brings them back to my mind.
Complexity or Courage?
President Bush struck a compromise in his decision over stem cell research. He had three Federal government funding options.
Gay Nation
It seems that the surest way to secure your fifteen minutes of fame in America these days is to declare to the world that you're gay.
The Scent of Christmas
They say that smell is attached to memory and I believe it. My parents have been dead for years and yet they are brought to mind most readily through my sense of smell.
Preacher Count
It has long been held that preachers can't count. I suppose it's because they usually overestimate the size of attendance or count the unborn babies as present.
Polite Conversation
One of the more subtle mistakes we make in our spiritual lives is to substitute polite conversation for heartfelt prayer with God. Polite conversation tends to review the things we know God likes to hear; praise for His kindness, petition for our needs, a reference to others and their needs.
Seniors and Sin
In Genesis 27 we read the story of how Isaac's attempt to bless Esau (against God's will) was foiled by Rebekah's devious intervention. Isaac's disobedience and Rebekah's scheming demonstrate that even in old age, as they were, it is possible to fall into serious sin.
Rock Throwing
The Old Testament law stated that in capital offenses, the primary witness was to cast the first stone at the point of execution. (Deuteronomy 17:7) In the story of the woman caught in adultery (John 8:1-11) Jesus refers to this point of law when addressing the woman's accusers, however He reverses the rules for this occasion.
Power of Love
I saw Mohammed Ali making an appearance on TV the other day. He was frail and shaky, a victim of Parkinson's disease. His spokesperson said the former champ was here to promote love and unity and Ali's eyes lit up when the kids approached to hug him and shake his hand - a response of love.
Solomon's Summary
Solomon spent much of his life searching in all the wrong places for the things that would satisfy him. He tried wealth, sensual pleasure, building projects and various intellectual pursuits. But he found that with each new peak experience there was a valley of dissatisfaction that soon followed.
The Passion as Witness
Most discussions concerning "miracles" usually devolve into a semantics exercise wherein the exact nature of what a miracle is becomes foremost and the idea of power is left aside. And yet the two are inseparable since the miracle and the power behind it are one.
Winning the War
The old adage, "Winning the battle, losing the war", is a warning to those involved in a struggle that it is important to keep one's eye on what you're fighting for.
Why Wait For Eternal Life
We think eternal life is the "good life" transported to another place and made to continue without end.
Roadside Shrines
The cross and the plastic flowers along the side of the highway usually appear unexpectedly. You're rounding a curve or cruising along and suddenly someone's marked a spot where a life tragically ended in some terrible crash that is all but forgotten save for this roadside shrine.
Plane Thinking
It's amazing how being thirty thousand feet in the air can give you a whole new perspective on life. Recently, I few out to California and, as the plane cruised far above the desert and mountains, I realized how different life seemed from this precarious angle.
Weak Link
I watched him sit on the bench for most of the game. His eyes looked pleadingly at the coach every time he came near. Just a chance to play coach, his eyes said, just one time at least.
Wall of Righteousness
In the book of Ezekiel, the Lord rebukes Jewish leaders for abandoning their role as spiritual shepherds over the nation.
Will He Find You Faithful
When speaking of His eventual return to judge the world and transport the church to heaven, Jesus had only one question expressed in Luke 8:8, "...when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?" When applied in personal terms this question becomes, "When Jesus returns, will He find you faithful?"
Surviving the Opposition's Candidate
According to the pundits, the possible presidency of either candidate would be the final step in the destruction of this nation. This election has so polarized the American people that each side views the other as the agent of the apocalypse should the other's candidate ascend to the top position in the land...
Gay Rights or Wrongs?
President Obama is so wrong. His enthusiastic support of legislation legalizing same-sex marriage is born out of his mistaken idea that this is a civil rights issue...
School Daze!
The Bible doesn't mention the back to school experience but there are a couple of principles that might make the experience a little smoother for both. Try reading these to each other.
What Survived On April 19th
April 19th is special because it is the anniversary date of the Oklahoma City bombing. It is important to remember this event and focus on some of the things that survived the blast on that day one year ago.
Who's Your Person?
As Christians, we are our brother's keeper whether we realize it or not. How we care for each other in society, family or the church is a true measure of our moral health.
Playing it Safe
In this day of roller coaster markets and the threat of entire nations collapsing because of financial downturns, it's easy to get into the "play it safe" mindset.
What Does Your Child See?
There is nothing more joyful than watching our children "grow" in the wisdom and admonition of the Lord. This thought leads me to wonder if children receive the same joy and encouragement from seeing their parents "grow".
Duck Dilemma
The duck people have gone and done it now. The patriarch of reality television's Duck Dynasty has actually shared his Christian perspective on the subject of homosexuality with a reporter for trendy GQ magazine.
Counterfeit Christmas
Where do they get these guys? I was listening to a National Public Radio discussion in the car recently where 3 "experts" we're parsing the latest pronouncement from the new Pope.
Planning for Death
The news of the passing of famous people reminds us once again that in the end we all must die, even celebrities.
In Defense of Martha
I believe Martha's gotten a bad rap as far as Bible characters go. The most quoted reference about Martha is where Jesus gently admonishes her concerning this good woman's frustration at not receiving help from her sister, Mary, in serving their guests.
Grandparent's Day
September 8th is "Grandparents' Day" according to the flower and gift industry. Certainly grandparents are worthy of a bouquet or an outing at the Golden Corral, but if we really want to please them, how about some things that would truly make a difference in their lives?
Living on Less
Cross-country moves sure have a way of getting certain things into perspective. Take creature comfort for example. By the last days before we left Oklahoma, every lamp, comfortable chair, toothbrush holder and coffee cup had been packed away.
The Real Enemy
The new millennium has reminded us of the many ways we are vulnerable. It began with the New Year's Eve meltdown scare in 2000 and has continued with successive onslaughts like the 9/11 attack, financial scandals, a wave of child abductions across the country, and an imminent war with Iraq. Each one of these reminds us that our nation, our wealth, even our children are not safe in their own beds!
Modesty is Always in Style
They say that if you keep your clothes long enough they'll come back into style. I guess the idea is that style is ever changing but never very new.
Little Pumpkin
I made my mother laugh. Not just a quiet smile or chuckle, but a stomach cramping, bent over, shriek of laughter that came in waves of delirious joy that caused her to smile and laugh all over again long after the initial surge was gone. This was quite a feat for an 82-year-old woman with stage-one Alzheimer's disease!
Save Iran
The hidden danger in our conflict with Iran is the thought that it's okay to hate our enemies. The media likes to whip up a frenzy of conflict framing this situation as simply a good guy vs. bad guy scenario.
Humble Beginning
It is interesting to note that Judah, the man from whose human lineage Jesus would eventually come, was born under questionable circumstances. His mother, Leah, was given by trickery in marriage as a substitute for her sister, Rachel. She conceived, but not in love, and struggled with her sister for the affections of their common husband.
Dirge for an Atheist
Comment on the death of Atheist, Christopher Hitchens, who stated that only the weak turn to faith when facing death.
Catching Up
In Joshua 24:3, we read that God gave a homeland to Esau (the land of Seir) long before He gave one to Jacob, Esau's brother, and his descendents. Esau had a 400 year head start on building cities and fortifying towers. He had a great advantage in establishing an army and a permanent culture.
How do I Deal with my Anger?
When one becomes a Christian however, the old man of sin dies, is buried in the water of baptism and a new man emerges. And this new man emerges with new ways of thinking and new ways of acting.
Spiritual Security
There has been much talk concerning Social Security that has a lot of folks in a lather. The government is suggesting a variety of ways to save it or make it more viable.
The Silence of the Lamb
Then Pilate took Jesus and had Him flogged (John 19:1). When I try to imagine the reality of these words, I become indignant. What impudence, what arrogance, what monumental ignorance for a godless petty official to rain such humiliation on the Author of Life!
Tobacco Statistics
Let's decide it once and for all. Is tobacco use sinful or not? If it isn't, we'll leave well enough alone. If it is, then all the Christians who use it need to stop.
RU-486 and Reality
In the year 2000, the U.S. government approved the use of the abortion pill RU-486. Abortion rights' advocates hailed the ruling as an important breakthrough claiming that this pill would cut down on surgically performed abortions and provide an "easier" early-abortion method.
Can You Hear Me Now?
Most of us have seen the cellular phone company's commercial where a man is seen walking around holding a phone to his ear asking the person on the other end of the line, "Can you hear me now?" We can relate to this ad because we have all had this very same experience when, in the middle of a cell phone conversation, we lose contact for a moment.
Ten Ways To Become A Better Husband
Recently the men who attended our "Married Men Support Group" were asked to suggest ways that men could improve as husbands. Below is a sampling of some ideas that were brought forth.
Fathers and Sons
When I was fifty two years old I learned that my father was not my real father. The man I had known as "dad" was long dead by the time this revelation came so it did not change anything between him and me.
Taming the Future
Every year at this time the Pundits and Futurists publish their predictions for the state of the Human Race.
What 60+ Years Has Taught Me
My birthday was in April and with each celebration I see more clearly some of the basic realities of my life.
The Preacher's Wife
She is not appointed but expected to serve, rarely mentioned but ever present. I speak, of course, of the minister's wife
Full-Time Friend
When people compliment you on your friends, you know your friend is special. Such was the case this week as so many of you noted the kindness and generosity of our friends, Allen and Barbara Arnold, from Oklahoma.
Reassurance for New Elders
One of the most common reactions that new elders have at being selected for this position is a feeling of unworthiness. After all, we're giving a man the responsibility of watching over the eternal souls of hundreds of people. This is quite a responsibility and a certain hesitation and sense of humility is natural.
So You Want To Be A Missionary?
To make it as a preacher or missionary, I believe there are four indispensable resources required.
Labor of Love
Here are three rules to help brothers in Christ who want to do business together.
Reality over Religion
The Jewish nation of Jesus' day sought a savior who could free them from Roman authority. They molded their religious hopes around this false human dream.
Pray for your Enemies
In Matthew 5:44, Jesus tells His disciples that they should "pray for those who persecute you." This is timely instruction for our nation especially during these turbulent times, but, have you ever wondered what praying for your enemies does? After all they don't see or hear the prayer so how can it affect them?
Waiting out the Storm
I was watching the endless rain. Saturday, Sunday and now a third day of gray drizzle continued as I found my way to work on a cold damp Monday morning. Folks came in telling stories of swollen creeks and flooded roads as the earth could no longer soak in the deluge.
Three Little Devils
The story is told of three junior devils coming before Satan as they prepared to visit earth in order to destroy men's souls. The first one said that he'd try to trick men by telling that there is "no heaven." Satan replied that people have a natural hope and that this lie would not work very well.
Spiritual Toughness
One of our seniors suffered chest pains and had to be rushed to the hospital recently. They told her to take it easy and not do so much, she wasn't getting any younger and neither was her heart.