I & II Kings for Beginners
The Kings Who Ruled and Ruined Israel
By: Mike Mazzalongo
This study provides a summary of the life and times of all the monarchs who ruled the Promised Land during the period of the kings.
Solomon's Glory and Fall
In this first lesson on the book of I Kings, Mike traces both the rise and decline of Israel's most dynamic and famous king, Solomon.
The Divided Kingdom
This lesson traces the history of the Divided Kingdom with the initial break during Rehoboam's reign (Solomon to the rule of the worst king's son) of the Northern Kingdom, Ahab and his evil wife Jezebel.
The Fall of Israel and Judah: Part 1
This lesson briefly reviews the reigns of both northern and southern kings noting each ruler's faithfulness and significant activity taking place under their rule.
The Fall of Israel and Judah: Part 2
In this final lesson, Mike will summarize the lives and rule of the remaining kings of Judah before its defeat and captivity, as well as provide a description of Jewish life while in exile.