I & II Chronicles for Beginners
Things Left Over
By: Mike Mazzalongo
I & II Chronicles retell the history of Israel from Adam to the post-exilic period, with a focus on the Davidic dynasty, the Temple, and covenant faithfulness. Written for a post-exilic audience, these books emphasize God's enduring promises, the centrality of worship, and the importance of repentance and restoration. Chronicles provides theological reflections on Israel's past to inspire hope and faithfulness in God's ongoing redemptive plan.

Introduction to Chronicles
In this introductory lesson Mike reviews the various features and history of Chronicles as well as a special focus on the purpose, meaning and manner of producing the many "genealogies" found in this book.

David's Rise and Reign
This lesson groups together the events in King David's life that appear in several books of that period (Samuel, Kings, Chronicles) as well as accounts that are exclusively found in Chronicles.

The Kings of Judah
This one lesson overview provides a summary of the kings who ruled the Southern Kingdom of Judah with emphasis on their role in God's plan to ultimately fulfill His promises to bring the Messiah to the world.