By: Mike Mazzalongo    

Think of your worst sin. It could be that you aborted a child long ago. Perhaps you secretly harbor shameful thoughts or desires. Your worst sin could be a treachery against a loyal friend or partner. There are any number of evil things we are guilty of or capable of if the situation presented itself.

Now, think of your best self. That self who is wise, patient, strong, able to resist any of the ugly vices that have and do beset us. Oh, how wonderful it would be to exist as our best selves always!

Think of the cross of Jesus. See every deceitful, indulgent, violent act nailed securely through the pierced hands and feet of the one who paid the eternal price for our every sin. Feel the relief that comes with the knowledge that our sins are removed, resolved, remitted remembered no more.

Think of heaven. The hope and reality, the promise and the reward for those who stay the course of faith despite their worst sins and failures to be their best selves.

Think. Think on these things.

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