The "Out"rageous Games

By: Mike Mazzalongo    

Montreal is hosting and quite proud of the "Out" games this week. Newspapers are filled with pictures of men in drag, women holding hands, and announcements of great parties featuring "Gay" themes. All in the name of human rights, diversity, and sports.

Politicians and editorialists have bought into the unproven notion that homosexuality is purely a genetic fact and thus a human rights issue.

Unfortunately, the information that continues to point to homosexuality as a lifestyle choice promoted primarily by personal experience and social conditioning is brushed aside..along with moral values held by a large portion of society not to mention the clear teaching of not only the Bible but every major religious group in the world throughout history.

None of this matters so long as the city can glory in the fact that it will be seen as "tolerant" and "accepting", the buzzwords of this generation's moral idealism.

Of course anyone who not only disagrees with the homosexual lifestyle and much of its outrageous public behavior but refuses to celebrate and promote it ( as Prime Minister Harper has done ) is vilified as ignorant, prejudiced,and intolerant.

It's wrong to discriminate against homosexuals because of their lifestyle choice, however, it's equally wrong ( and hypocritical ) for homosexuals to brand anyone who disagrees with them and their actions as intolerant. Last time I looked, it was still a free country for all!!

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