Top Ten Sins and Struggles

By: Mike Mazzalongo     Posted: January, 2016

The Bible teaches that everyone is guilty of sin but not necessarily the same sin. This series examines the most common sins and struggles that Mike has encountered in over thirty-five years of ministry, and provides practical advice on how to recognize and deal with these successfully.

#10 - Laziness
This class will explore the mindset of the lazy person, how this sin affects a person and how to deal with laziness in one's life.
#9 - Anger
In this lesson Mike profiles 3 Biblical characters and described how each dealt with the problem of anger.
#8 - Cursing and Gossiping
Two sins tied for position number 8 in our survey. Mike will discuss the root cause of each, what the Bible says about these sins, and have some practical ways to manage and overcome these in our everyday lives.
#7 - Pride
The sin of Pride comes in at 7th place in our Sins and Struggles survey. This lesson will examine the roots of pride, how it is expressed, why it is a sin and ways to deal with this common problem.
#6 - Neglecting Church
Neglecting attendance and involvement is the 6th most problematic issue according to our church survey. Mike will discuss this problem, its consequences and provide the top ten reasons why people neglect church services.
#5 - Coping with Change
Tied for 5th place in our countdown was the issue of coping with change. This lesson provides practical strategies that help people deal with the anxiety often caused by life's many changes.
#5 - Coping with Conflict
Tied at #5 with Coping with Change is another coping struggle - coping with conflict. This lesson will attempt to define conflict and offer strategies to help decrease the instances of conflict in our everyday lives.
#4 - Easily Discouraged
In this lesson, Mike explains the different emotions and reactions present in discouragement and easy discouragement, and provides ways to deal with both.
#3 - Overanxious
Mike tackles the most common of struggles, worry, and provides Biblical antidotes to this most debilitating human problem.
#2 - Overly Critical
Mike reviews the ways we fall into being overly critical and how we can arm ourselves to resist this easy impulse.
#1 - Lack of Personal Discipline: Part 1
Mike tackles the number one struggle in the survey, lack of personal discipline and highlights the difference between the popular notion of self-discipline and the Bible's teaching concerning this issue.
#1 - Bad Eating Habits
In this last lesson, Mike will discuss the #1 issue in the survey - Bad Eating Habits and how one can turn this bad habit into a productive and healthy one.
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