Promised / Not Promised

By: Mike Mazzalongo     Posted: December, 2024
I remember Christmas disappointments; left-winger equipment instead of goalie equipment; toboggan instead of pool table... Anybody remember theirs? The problem many times as children is that we are not clear on what was promised.

I remember Christmas disappointments. For example, receiving a baseball glove instead of goalie equipment, a toboggan instead of pool table. Do you remember yours?

Of course, the problem we have as children is that we are not clear on what was promised. With this in mind, I want to go over a short list of things we might be confused about when it comes to what God has promised us, versus what he has not promised.

Always be with you (Hebrews 13:5)It would be easy
Provide what you need (Matthew 6:31-33)Provide what you want
Execute final justice (Romans 12:17-19)Life would be fair
You will not be condemned (Romans 8:1)You will not make mistakes
If you are in Christ, you will resurrect and live eternally (I Thessalonians 4:13-18)You will not suffer and die

So, when Christmas comes around and we look forward to all the fun and joy of our time around the tree and then look forward to the New Year, let us remember that all the really good and precious gifts that are worth having, God has promised them to us already.

And when we are discouraged or disappointed in life or with God, it is usually over things He didn't promise us to begin with.

So what's the point?

Stay focused on the things actually promised by God; they are always the better things anyways!

Discussion Questions
  1. Describe a disappointment of failed expectations in your past. How did you deal with it?
  2. Which of God's promises fulfills your greatest expectation or need?
  3. Has there ever been an expectation that you had which God did not promise? What was it? How did you deal with the fact that God had not promised this to you?
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