The Plain Gospel

and What We’re Supposed to Do With It

By: Curtis Hartshorn, MBS     Posted: October, 2022

Christian denominations all claim to be teaching the gospel, but some have added to the original message and some have left things out. The gospel has been presented in so many different ways that today it takes Bible knowledge to separate the real gospel from man-made traditions. This class will reveal what Jesus and His followers were saying when they taught people the gospel. During this course we will strip away what has been added, insert the original truths which have been left out and get back to the Plain Gospel. By the time you finish all 10 of these classes you will know what the plain gospel is and you will know what you are supposed to do with it.

A Plain Introduction to the Gospel
This first class will give us a better understanding of the word "Gospel." How does the Bible use the word? We will see where the concept of gospel comes from and discover whether there is any Old Testament connection to what was taught in the New Testament.
Marks of the Plain Gospel
The Gospel of Mark does a fabulous job of showing the good news about Jesus from the beginning, Mark 1:1. This class focuses on how God orchestrated the establishment of the gospel, the good news about the coming Messiah and how He presented it with absolute clarity.
The Plain Gospel and Acts
Acts is the gospel in motion. In this class we will see word for word how the gospel was taught to unbelievers and adapt it to the way we should be teaching it today.
Romans: Obligated to the Plain Gospel
This fourth class delves into Paul's explanation of why he was obligated to teach the gospel accurately to those whom others were unwilling to teach. Romans also explains why each Christian is obligated to share the gospel with others.
1 Corinthians: The Core of the Gospel
When teaching the gospel to unbelievers we should start at the center, the core. Then we explain in more detail what the gospel is as time permits. This class on 1 Corinthians shows what the core of the gospel is.
Galatians: When the Gospel is Not the Gospel
The churches in Galatia did something to the gospel that made it no longer the gospel. This sixth class will expose the mistake our first century brethren made with the hope we will not make the same mistake.
Ephesians: The Plain Saving Gospel
In this seventh class of our series we will look at the undeniable correlation between the gospel and salvation. We will also see where the church comes into play with regards to the gospel.
Philippians: Defense of the Plain Gospel
The church of Christ is God's army equipped and mobilized for the defense of the gospel, Philippians 1:16. The short book of Philippians has much to teach us in this class about how to ensure the furtherance of the gospel.
Thessalonica: The Impact of the Plain Gospel
This class covers both 1st and 2nd Thessalonians looking at the tremendous impact the gospel had on the city of Thessalonica from the day Paul and Silas first preached the gospel at their synagogue, Acts 17:1-2.
Obeying the Plain Gospel
This tenth and final class guides us through four places where the New Testament says we need to obey the good news, the gospel. Then using only the Bible, we will see how each soul is invited to obey the gospel as a means of receiving salvation.
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