The Minor Prophets for Beginners
Majoring in Minors
By: Mike Mazzalongo Posted: April, 2024
In this series, Mike introduces the books of the Minor Prophets providing a summary of content, history, main features and information about each author as well as modern applications from each book.

This first lesson will review the historical appearance of each prophet as well as a comparison of the Hebrew Bible to the Old Testament.

The Call of the Prophet
This lesson examines the special characteristics of the prophet's call to ministry.

In the story of Hosea, the first of the Minor Prophets, the class will review information about the Prophet Hosea as well as his times, message, book and lesson drawn from his writings.

Joel / Amos
Mike reviews the lives, ministry, messages and times of both Joel and Amos – two of the 12 Minor Prophets.

Obadiah / Micah
Mike continues his review of the Minor Prophets with a look at the times, message, book and applications from two eighth century BC prophets, Obadiah and Micah.

Jonah: Part 1
In this first part of Jonah's book, Mike will review the good and bad traits of Jonah's character as well as how these play against his most unusual experience in the belly of a fish.

Jonah: Part 2
We finish up Jonah's book with a series of lessons applied to the prophet's contemporaries as well as helpful insights for the modern reader of today.

Nahum / Habakkuk
Both Nahum and Habakkuk are unusual in that they spoke primarily about the foreign nations of Assyria and Babylonia (Chaldeans) and how God would both use and deal with these empires.

Zephaniah / Haggai
Mike reviews the work of the last prophet to serve before the destruction of Jerusalem (Zephaniah) and the first prophet to speak to the exiles who returned home after 70 years of captivity (Haggai).

Zechariah / Malachi
In this last lesson, Mike reviews the longest book of the Minor Prophets and the last prophet to speak in the Old Testament.