Mining the Word

By: Mike Mazzalongo    

For years I failed at developing the habit of daily Bible reading until I began using a notebook. Now I read a portion of the word each day and note whatever new information and ideas I discover. Using this method has blessed me in several ways:

1. I Learn

Me, the Bible, and the Holy Spirit combine to reaffirm my possession of the Kingdom through insight. When I read my notebook I enjoy handling the "nuggets" gleaned from a steady mining of the Word. Some days are virtual treasure troves where my reading yields an abundance of understanding, encouragement, and knowledge.

2. I Honor God

Every time I choose to read His Word rather than watch TV, sit in the yard, or get ahead on my "jobs," I demonstrate by my behavior that I believe. It costs me something to lay aside these other things so I can be with Him but you cannot honor God unless your gift to Him costs you something.

3. I Grow Stronger

Each day the Word strengthens me in the struggle with my two greatest enemies, sin and death. The Bible reminds me of the cross so that I don't despair over my sins, and it continually points to the resurrection in order to motivate my hope as death draws ever closer.

Jesus said, "Seek and you shall find," Matthew 7:7. For those who mine the Word, the daily search always results in the greatest of all rewards, the Lord Himself!

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