Førbidden Topics
Lessons that will get you Criticized, Called-out or Cancelled
By: Mike Mazzalongo Posted: March, 2021
In this series, Mike tackles topics that are sensitive in nature and often have strongly differing opinions. Nevertheless, he presents a balanced view keeping in mind that the teaching goal in all BibleTalk material is to seek out what the Bible has to say on these and other subjects that we all are aware of and sometimes have to deal with personally.

Mercy Killing or Selective Killing?
In this lesson, Mike examines the differences between natural death and mercy killing, and what the Bible teaches concerning the manner that one's life ends.

Superstition, Astrology and the Occult
Mike delves into the world of the occult explaining various facets of the dark practices and what the Bible specifically teaches about them.

The 4 Phases of Addiction: Dealing with Addiction - Part 1
In this first of three sessions, Mike describes the biology and behavior of the individual who is in the process of becoming addicted to drugs of various kinds.

The Bible and Addiction: Dealing with Addiction - Part 2
This lesson traces the four steps that lead to addiction and the specific teachings in the Bible that condemn this state of being.

The Sobering Truth about Alcohol: Dealing with Addiction - Part 3
Mike reviews the facts concerning the #1 addictive substance in the world and the deceptive arguments used to lure Christians into its use.

Pro-Life or Pro Death: Part 1
In this two-part lesson, Mike will describe the various methods used to abort babies, and compare the main arguments used by both Pro-Choice and Pro-Life groups to support their positions on this highly controversial issue. (N.B. No graphic pictures or photos of aborted children will be shown).

Pro-Life or Pro Death: Part 2
In this concluding lesson, Mike finishes examining the main arguments Pro-Choice groups use to defend abortion and brings forth key Scriptures that address this issue. (N.B. No graphic pictures or photos of abortion procedures will be used in this presentation).

Pornography and Behavior
Pornography has gone mainstream and is easily available for free, at first, for the naïve. This lesson explores internet porn, the most prevalent form of this highly addictive substance and some ways to avoid or break this poisonous habit. (N.B. - No graphic images will be shown in this lesson).

The Alphabet Gender Wars
Mike reviews the history and possible future of a society actively seeking the deconstruction of traditional gender norms.
The Great Illusion: Gambling
In this session, Mike addresses the destructive nature of gambling focusing particularly on Internet gaming and many Scriptural references that speak directly to this addictive vice.
Genetic Engineering: Playing God: Part 1
In this first of a two-part lesson, Mike examines the first two practices in this scientific field, genetic modification and human engineering. He will also refer to Bible principles that should guide these practices.
Genetic Engineering: Playing God: Part 2
In this second part on the subject of genetics, Mike explains the process of cloning and the moral issues stemming from this practice.
Prejudice and the Bible
In this last lesson, Mike demonstrates that if we followed what the Bible teaches there would be no prejudice of any kind.