For Men Only

By: Mike Mazzalongo    

Men don't share. They don't look for opportunities to "get together" as men unless it is to watch something. I don't know if it's genetic or what but guys will head for the hills if they suspect that some event has been organized just to get them to talk to each other.

Of course the exception to this rule Men will generally congregate where food is available. This is why the potluck meal was invented - to get men to stick around the church building long enough after services so that their wives could visit.

We want to change this reluctance that men have about being together as men, as brothers in the Lord. As a matter of fact, we're not above using any means to achieve this end, and that includes the liberal offer of a great breakfast.

Tim Adams (he's the great cook) and I (Tim doesn't do articles so this is where I come in) are inviting all of the men in the congregation to a planning breakfast here at the building on Saturday morning at 9:30am, March 2nd. We guarantee a terrific meal, a brief meeting about how to start a power breakfast for men on a regular basis, and a speedy get-a-way- so you can be off onto other things.

Whether you're young or a senior, new in the Lord or a seasoned disciple, you are invited to come and enjoy the food and fellowship. Who knows? You may like this getting together thing more than you thought.

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