Don't - Just do it

By: Mike Mazzalongo    

Advertising used to be about making a product desirable or demonstrating why one was better than the others. Today, the product itself is irrelevant. Jean ads are about sex; shoe commercials define your attitude!

Madison Avenue wants to stamp our souls with psychic logos, hence we end up with slogans like, "No Fear," Just Do It," and other billboard philosophy that's supposed to help us recreate ourselves with the help of T-shirts and running shoes.

The problem here is that many people actually believe that you can use TV commercials as a basis for establishing a lifestyle. To these folks I say, "DON'T – Just Do It!" Instead, consider the following questions before doing anything:

1. What does the Bible say about …DOING IT?

Seems almost quaint to the X'rs of our day but God's Word still is, "…profitable for teaching…so that the man of God may be …equipped." (II Timothy 3:16). If the Bible permits it, then you can DO IT, without fear, shame or guilt.

2. Do I want to … DO IT?

Who's the boss here, you or the commercial? We need to examine our motives and decide how much of what we do is manufactured by outside forces and how much we do because we really want or need to do it.

3. Where will… DOING IT…get me?

Commercials never show consequences, only actions. But real life always has consequences – we need to count the cost before we just DO IT!

You can have NO FEAR of JUST DOING IT if you're sure that God is with you and you know and desire the results that will accompany what you do.

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