Dare You

By: Mike Mazzalongo    

In Ephesians 3:20, Paul says that God can do more than we dare ask. Have you ever wondered why we usually are timid in the things we ask God for? Perhaps some of the reasons:

1. Too Much Change

We don't dare ask because asking for too much might change our lives too much. Dynamic asking brings dynamic answers and the Bible teaches us that when God answers our prayers it usually means that our life changes in some way or another.

2. Short-change

We underestimate what our prayers can do, not what God can do. Everyone agrees that all things are possible with God, but we lack the faith to believe that some of those great things He will do, because we ask for it in prayer.

3. Lack of Vision

We don't dare ask for what we can't see because we walk by sight and not by faith. It's easy to ask for things we can observe, count, understand, but daring prayer is that which asks for those things that only God can figure out.

Our prayers reflect our faith and our faith determines what we accomplish for the Lord and how clearly we experience His presence in our lives. Don't dare the Lord, that is a sin. Rather, dare to ask in faith for what is beyond reach, what is too hard for you and see how richly blessed you will be by His answer and His wonderful presence in your life.

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