Why Did Jesus Send the Demons Into a Herd of Pigs?

By: Mike Mazzalongo     Posted: October, 2024


1. The New International Commentary on the New Testament: The Gospel of Mark by William L. Lane.

- This commentary provides detailed exegesis of the passage, including insights into the cultural and theological significance of the demons' request to enter the pigs.

2. The Gospel According to Mark (Pillar New Testament Commentary) by James R. Edwards.

- Edwards explores the historical and spiritual context of the event, explaining why Jesus permitted the demons to enter the pigs, emphasizing the display of Christ's authority over evil spirits.

3. The Expositor's Bible Commentary (Volume 8): Matthew, Mark, Luke edited by Frank E. Gaebelein.

- This volume offers a comprehensive breakdown of the narrative, particularly focusing on the theological implications of Jesus allowing the demons to go into the pigs.

4. The Gospel of Mark (New International Greek Testament Commentary) by R. T. France.

- France's commentary discusses the narrative in light of Mark's overall presentation of Jesus as Lord over both the physical and spiritual realms, offering detailed exegesis on why Jesus allowed the demons to enter the pigs.

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