Breaking Me Softly

By: Mike Mazzalongo    

Discussion Questions
  1. Who was in charge of discipline in your home growing up? Describe the way they disciplined you. Did it work? Why?
  2. Describe how you believe God works in your life to discipline and admonish you. Give an example of this.
  3. Read Galatians 6:1.
    • What does Paul mean when he says, "You who are spiritual?"
    • Give an example of, "...restoring one in a spirit of gentleness."
    • What "temptation" do you think he is referring to in this verse?
  4. If someone in your family was disfellowshipped because of unrepented sin (Matthew 18:15-ff; I Corinthians 5:11-13) would you allow them to come for Thanksgiving? Why Yes or No?
  5. If you were trapped in some sinful activity, which Bible character (aside from Jesus) would have the best chance to successfully admonish you? Why this person?
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