BibleTalk TV - 1988

By: Mike Mazzalongo    

BibleTalk 1988 is a television series that includes 13 programs answering some of the most asked questions about Christianity. Each program tackles one issue in both class and groups discussion formats. BibleTalk was the first network television series broadcast in Canada by the Churches of Christ. It was unique in its time for “component" style production and its use of unscripted religious discussion groups on television.

Who is this Jesus?
2,000 years ago there was a man called Jesus who had quite an impact on his people and now 2,000 years later people are usually uncomfortable when discussing Him. Why? Who is this person that's so long after He lived on this earth the mere mention of his name immediately creates tension.
The Bible: Who Wrote it?
When you read the Bible, what exactly are you reading? Are you really looking at something that has been created by God, inspired by God and given to men or are you merely reading something that was created by human thinking or invention.
One thing is sure in life and that is that sooner or later, we or someone we love, will have to face the problem of suffering. When we talk about this problem of suffering the key question to answer is this how do we respond to suffering. In this lesson we will explore the wonderful epistle of james as he talks to us about the problem of suffering.
When the court puts a man into prison it is providing the punishment that justice demands for his crimes. God also demands justice for crimes or sins but God is able to give something that prisons can't offer, that is forgiveness for those sins. In this study we're going to look at a man who was guilty of two of the worst sins that a person can commit, adultery and murder. We're also going to see how God dramatically changed his life by forgiving him of these sins.
When we talk about baptism what's the first thing that comes to your mind? Maybe babies having a priest putting water on their forehead. In this lesson, we're going to find out the biblical idea of baptism.
In this lesson we see the relationship between the Jewish Passover and the communion that Christians celebrate throughout the world.
Why People Reject the Bible
More copies of the Bible exist in the world than any other book. It has been translated into more languages distributed in more countries made accessible to more people than any other publication since the invention of the printing press and yet the majority of people who own Bibles don't read them or refuse to follow the teachings that the Bible gives.
I Will Build My Church
When I say the word church what do you think of? A building with arches and a cross on it? Perhaps a place where you can go to sit, pray and think? When Jesus said, I will build my church, what did He mean did? In this lesson, we're going to try to find out exactly that.
He is There and We Can Know Him
In this lesson we will look at good and bad reasons for believing in God.
The End of the World
I'm no prophet and I don't know when the end of the world is going to be but I do know that the Bible does teach very specific and easily understood things about the end of the world
Religious Myths
In this lesson we're going to try to separate myth from reality. We're going to try to separate what people think the Bible teaches from what is actually written.
The Power of the Cross
People come to God because of the cross of Jesus. It is the magnetic force within Christianity that has the power to pull people toward God. In this lesson, will try to explain what it is about the cross that attracts people to Jesus.
Heroes Are Made Not Born
What makes someone a champion? Is it courage, training, ability or strength of character? In this lesson, we're going to study about David and see how God took a young unknown shepherd boy and transformed him into one of the greatest heroes in Jewish history.
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