Baseball Blues

By: Mike Mazzalongo    

I wonder just how much children really enjoy their parents' presence at their games. I sat among a group of moms and dads recently who had turned out to cheer on their kids at a school baseball tournament.

One parent pointed out every good and bad move his son made in voices everyone could hear. Another lady groaned and complained about the substitute players. That the coach had sent in. She hollered that this move would probably cost us the game. Of course, there was no end to the crude and disparaging remarks about the Umpires motives and every mistake made by the players on the field. I used to think that sports were a great character builder and teacher. But after watching the conduct of the adults in the stands, I'm less surprised at the attitude many of our kids are developing in their everyday lives.

I would hope that as Christian parents involved in sports we can always remember to bring our religion to the ballpark along with our desire to win. After all, if sports at their level means anything, does anything, shouldn't it be to model some of the virtues we learn about in church?

Parents who pollute the make-believe world of youth sports with their bad attitude have ruined the very purpose of the game. They've not only forgotten that it's "just a game", they've also forgotten how it should be played and why. Shape up, Mom and Dad.

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