Angry Skies

By: Mike Mazzalongo    
Dear Lord, I know why these things happen and that they happen even to us, your children. We are always in your hands and for better or worse, we continue to trust in you.

This was the prayer our family shared as we huddled in a closet waiting for the worst tornado in a decade to rip through our neighborhood. Thankfully, we were spared. The twister lifted and wound its destructive way further on not touching us but wreaking terrible destruction further on.

Although many have suffered loss, I am grateful that nothing happened to our home. I am also grateful that, as far as I know, no one in our congregation has been injured or killed by this fierce storm.

I am most grateful, however, that the threat of losing everything, even our lives, was not a traumatic experience. The Lord promises a "…peace" that surpasses understanding for those who trust in Him (Philipians 4:7). I had never quite grasped the concept until this week's angry skies taught me the lesson.

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