Series: I & II Samuel for Beginners
The Rise of Samuel & the Anointing of Saul
By: Mike Mazzalongo
In this opening lesson Mike sets the historical setting for the books of Samuel and traces the rise of Samuel as a judge of Israel and a key figure in the nation's transition from a theocracy to a monarchy.
The material I provided for 1 Samuel chapters 1-10 is derived from widely accepted interpretations of the biblical text itself and is based on:
1. The Bible (ESV, NIV, NKJV, etc.): The primary source for the summaries and explanations is the biblical text of I Samuel chapters 1-10, which describes the events in detail, including the narratives of Hannah, the rise of Samuel, the fall of Eli's house, and the demand for a king.
2. Commentaries and Scholarly Resources:
- Matthew Henry's Commentary: Provides a detailed exposition of the events, emphasizing the theological implications and moral lessons in the narratives of 1 Samuel.
- The New Bible Commentary (D.A. Carson, R.T. France, J.A. Motyer, and Gordon Wenham): Offers scholarly insight into the historical and cultural context, particularly surrounding Israel's transition to monarchy.
- Keil & Delitzsch Commentary on the Old Testament: Provides an in-depth historical and linguistic analysis of the events in 1 Samuel, especially regarding the role of prophets and kingship.
3. Bible Dictionaries:
- Holman Bible Dictionary and Easton's Bible Dictionary: These sources help clarify the cultural, religious, and historical background of key figures like Samuel, Eli, and Saul.
4. Biblical Theology Resources:
- "An Introduction to the Old Testament" by Tremper Longman III and Raymond B. Dillard: Offers a theological overview of the themes of leadership, kingship, and the role of prophets in Israel.
- "The IVP Bible Background Commentary: Old Testament" by John H. Walton, Victor H. Matthews, and Mark W. Chavalas: Provides cultural and historical background that informs the events in 1 Samuel.
The synthesis of these sources with the biblical text provides the basis for the summaries, interpretations, and lessons presented.