I Corinthians for Beginners
By: Mike Mazzalongo Posted: September, 2011
Paul's first letter to the Corinthian church deals with issues that continue to affect Christians to this day. In this epistle, the apostle addresses problems such as division in the church, sexual immorality, the proper use of spiritual gifts, the role of women in ministry and the importance of maintaining the authentic gospel message.

The Foolishness of God
Paul demonstrates how tempting it is to use human methods to bring people to God instead of God's method which is the preaching of the gospel.

The Power of the Cross
In this lesson, Paul reveals the true source of spiritual power for the growth of the church- the cross of Christ.

Flee Fornication
A lesson reviewing key Bible ideas about sexual immorality and Paul's warning about this subject to the Corinthians and by extension, to us today.

Keeping the Lock in Wedlock
Paul addresses the problems connected with marriage, divorce, and remarriage.

License to Love
In this lesson, Paul deals with the delicate issue of Christian liberty and how to deal with situations that required discretion.

Freedom Through Slavery
Paul reminds the Corinthians of 4 areas where he has given up his freedom in order to guarantee the salvation of others.

Veils: Custom or Command?
A lesson designed to help the church discern God's will in the face of changing cultural norms.

Unworthy Communion
Paul outlines proper conduct in public worship with regard to the Lord's Supper.

Many Members - One Body
Paul demonstrates why the human body is the perfect figure to represent how the church functions and grows.

The Character of Love
One of the most famous and quoted passages in the Bible describes the character of Christ's love.

The Purpose of Preaching
In this lesson, Paul explains what is the proper use and purpose for the spiritual gifts they have received including the gift of preaching (prophecy).
Order in Worship
A lesson teaching how the various spiritual gifts are to be used in a public worship setting.
Concerning the Collection
One of the few Biblical teachings on the manner and purpose of financial giving as part of the worship service.
Victory in Jesus: Part 1
Paul describes the manner and result of the resurrection of the body - part 1.
Victory in Jesus: Part 2
Paul describes the manner and result of the resurrection of the body - part 2.