Bible Book Headings - Acts

Chapter 1

1:1 - Introduction
1:9 - The Ascension
1:12 - The Upper Room

Chapter 2

2:1 - The Day of Pentecost
2:14 - Peter’s Sermon
2:37 - The Ingathering

Chapter 3

3:1 - Healing the Lame Beggar
3:11 - Peter’s Second Sermon

Chapter 4

4:1 - Peter and John Arrested
4:13 - Threat and Release
4:32 - Sharing among Believers

Chapter 5

5:1 - Fate of Ananias and Sapphira
5:17 - Imprisonment and Release
5:33 - Gamaliel’s Counsel

Chapter 6

6:1 - Choosing of the Seven

Chapter 7

7:1 - Stephen’s Defense
7:54 - Stephen Put to Death

Chapter 8

8:1 - Saul Persecutes the Church
8:4 - Philip in Samaria
8:25 - An Ethiopian Receives Christ

Chapter 9

9:1 - The Conversion of Saul
9:19 - Saul Begins to Preach Christ
9:32 - Peter’s Ministry

Chapter 10

10:1 - Cornelius’s Vision
10:23 - Peter at Caesarea
10:34 - Gentiles Hear Good News

Chapter 11

11:1 - Peter Reports at Jerusalem
11:19 - The Church at Antioch

Chapter 12

12:1 - Peter’s Arrest and Deliverance
12:20 - Death of Herod

Chapter 13

13:1 - First Missionary Journey
13:44 - Paul Turns to the Gentiles

Chapter 14

14:1 - Acceptance and Opposition

Chapter 15

15:1 - The Council at Jerusalem
15:13 - James’s Judgment
15:36 - Second Missionary Journey

Chapter 16

16:1 - The Macedonian Vision
16:14 - First Convert in Europe
16:22 - Paul and Silas Imprisoned
16:31 - The Jailer Converted

Chapter 17

17:1 - Paul at Thessalonica
17:10 - Paul at Berea
17:16 - Paul at Athens
17:22 - Sermon on Mars Hill

Chapter 18

18:1 - Paul at Corinth
18:23 - Third Missionary Journey

Chapter 19

19:1 - Paul at Ephesus
19:11 - Miracles at Ephesus

Chapter 20

20:1 - Paul in Macedonia and Greece
20:13 - Troas to Miletus
20:17 - Farewell to Ephesus

Chapter 21

21:1 - Paul Sails from Miletus
21:15 - Paul at Jerusalem
21:27 - Paul Seized in the Temple

Chapter 22

22:1 - Paul’s Defense before the Jews

Chapter 23

23:1 - Paul before the Council
23:12 - A Conspiracy to Kill Paul
23:23 - Paul Moved to Caesarea

Chapter 24

24:1 - Paul before Felix

Chapter 25

25:1 - Paul before Festus
25:23 - Paul before Agrippa

Chapter 26

26:1 - Paul’s Defense before Agrippa

Chapter 27

27:1 - Paul Is Sent to Rome
27:14 - Shipwreck

Chapter 28

28:1 - Safe at Malta
28:11 - Paul Arrives at Rome